(76 Ratings)

Midjourney – The Complete Guide 2024

About Course

MidJourney is an innovative AI-powered platform that generates high-quality images and artwork based on text prompts. Ideal for designers, artists, and content creators, MidJourney harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help users bring their creative visions to life quickly and easily.


This complete course is designed to take you from a beginner to a master of MidJourney. Whether you’re new to AI-generated art or looking to refine your skills, this course will guide you step by step through everything you need to know. You’ll learn how to craft effective prompts, explore advanced settings, and master professional techniques for creating stunning AI-generated images.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Master the basics to advanced techniques of using Midjourney.
  • Understand the fundamentals and core concepts of Midjourney
  • Apply advanced tips and tricks for optimizing Midjourney usage
  • Master prompt creation to generate stunning, customized artworks
  • Explore commercial applications of Midjourney for business and marketing

Course Content

Setting Up and Basic Commands

  • Setting Private Discord Server
  • Setting own server
  • Generate & Upscale
  • Describe your image in MidJourney
  • Explore prompt & images from the community

Styling and Custom Options

Advanced Image Editing

Using MidJourney on the Web

MidJourney for Commercial Product Images

Ebook Complete Guide to Mastering Midjourney V6 Prompting
Unlock the full potential of AI image generation with our comprehensive guide to Midjourney V6. From basic prompts to advanced techniques, learn how to create stunning AI art through structured, effective prompting. Master text prompts, image references, parameters, and prompt optimization to bring your creative vision to life.

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 76 Ratings
36 Ratings
34 Ratings
6 Ratings
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5 months ago
Awesome, awesome information. A really great overview of Midjourney's capabilities and how to use prompts to push the artwork forward. So glad I studied this course!
5 months ago
I enjoyed taking this course. It is a balance of good information in bite size videos so I never got bored of watching them. Every video is well labeled so if you need certain information later it will be easy to find. Although it was not needed I wish it included a class project that we all could have followed together. Because all the results would have been different I feel that would have been amazing. Over all I give this course 5 stars and would definitely recommend this course to anyone wanting to get up and running fast in Midjourney.
5 months ago
Acabo de terminar las nuevas actualizaciones del curso. Como siempre, quedé completamente impresionado con las novedades. Se generaron tantas ideas en mi mente que no podía esperar a terminar el curso para ponerme manos a la obra.
5 months ago
Sebagai pengguna MidJourney, saya menyadari kebingungan awal yang pernah saya alami. Dalam beberapa contoh, ada terlalu banyak pergerakan gambar yang cepat sehingga sulit untuk benar-benar memahami apa yang sedang terjadi...
5 months ago
Buena información, muy simple y fácil de entender. Aprendí algunas ideas nuevas y me gustaron los ejemplos sobre dónde encontrar inspiración. Sin embargo, algunos prompts no funcionaron o están desactualizados, pero en general es un buen curso para principiantes.
5 months ago
5 months ago
Walaupun saya sudah mencoba bermain dengan MidJourney sedikit, saya belajar banyak dari kursus ini. Satu hal yang cukup menantang adalah karena MidJourney akan terus diperbarui dan berkembang dengan cepat, beberapa materi dalam kursus menjadi usang. Beberapa kali saya mencoba mengikuti dan membuat prompt seperti di kursus, tetapi prompt tersebut sudah tidak relevan. Namun, ini adalah dasar yang bagus untuk memulai!
5 months ago
This course is phenomenal and probably the best value!
If you want to understand Midjourney this is the course to get. It is well organized and presented and includes short exercises that will boost your understanding and confidence. Plus, and this is amazing, it includes about a dozen business ideas for monetizing your Midjourney creations.
6 months ago
Overall, it was educative and worth the time and money I spent. Some of the issues with the course are: I feel, some parts of the lessons, the explanation or tutoring could have been a bit more detailed rather than just skimming over the lessons. At times, I found his narration to be extremely hard to understand due to his very strong accent (he does apologize for it, which I appreciate), though I will not hold it against him.
6 months ago
방금 AI 이미지 생성 역사에 대한 소개 부분을 봤는데, 이 기술에 정말 감탄했습니다. 이렇게 알기 쉽게 설명해 주신 강사님께 감사드리고 싶습니다.
6 months ago
내용이 정말 자세해서 좋았어요. 다시 시청할 거예요.
6 months ago
Saya menikmati kursus Anda dan suka dengan saran-saran Anda. Kami benar-benar melihat bahwa Anda paham tentang seni dan juga cara memonetisasinya. Namun, menurut saya Anda bisa membahas lebih mendalam secara teknis tentang parameter, sehingga di akhir kursus Anda bisa menjadi seorang master sejati dalam MidJourney.
6 months ago
Muy bien
6 months ago
완전한 초보자로서 아마도 이 과정을 다시 볼 것 같아요. 정말 흥미진진합니다! 한 가지 이해하지 못한 점은 MidJourney의 가격 책정 방식이에요. 시간당 요금인지, 프로젝트별 요금인지 잘 모르겠어요. 만약 프로젝트별이라면 최종 렌더링으로 계산되는 건가요? 좀 헷갈렸고 이 부분에 대한 명확한 설명은 없었어요. 그래도 훌륭한 과정입니다!
6 months ago
지금까지 매우 좋고, 자세하며, 훌륭한 설명입니다.
7 months ago
기본적인 내용은 잘 다루고 있지만, 더 많은 예시와 상황별 시나리오가 추가되면 더 좋을 것 같습니다. 특히 다양한 상황에 맞는 복잡한 프롬프트에 대해 더 다루면 좋겠습니다. 원하는 결과를 얻기 위해 좋은 프롬프트를 만드는 방법을 이해하려고 여전히 많은 튜토리얼을 찾아봐야 했습니다. 또한, 강의에서는 MidJourney의 약간 오래된 버전을 다루고 있습니다. 하지만 몇 달마다 발생하는 작은 변화에 맞춰 계속 업데이트하는 것이 어렵다는 것도 이해합니다.
7 months ago
Great course, highly recommend!
7 months ago
You’re awesome
7 months ago
Really great course! It helped me a lot to improve my work with Midjourney and show me many things I didn't know yet.
7 months ago
Excellent course! As a complete beginner I learned so much that I would never have figured out for myself. The material is very comprehensive and I feel very confident that I can create my own stunning images for my social media and website.
One suggestion for an addition to the course - maybe include a brief primer on using Discord - many will know how to use discord of course, but there always some who have never encountered before.